The powder keg called Apple Maps makes the headlines once more, this time because Google is working hard to develop Google Maps for iOS 6. But what does it has to do with iOS 6 Maps? Rumor has it that Apple would not approve the Google Maps in App Store, in an attempt to raise the popularity of its own mapping solution.
The Guardian writes, quoting sources close to Google, that the Google Maps application for iOS 6 is in the works. The same publication claims that the Mountain View based would finish the work at Google Maps by the end of the year, and, to be honest, it will be a pity for all the hard work to be in vain.
Some of the optimistic iOS 6 users are saying that now with Scott Forstall being fired by Apple, the next major iOS update will also pack a decent Apple Maps solution. Or maybe the one that will replace Forstall will be more open to the mapping solution proposed by Google, even though this would be considered as a defeat for Apple.
If Google Maps will indeed see the light of day and Apple will not approve it in App Store, then expect some rioting customers on forums and tech blogs. We’ll probably see a lot of petitions and maybe Cydia will integrate the Google Maps solution. Meanwhile you can use the web browser version Google Maps in iOS 6, but, unfortunately, its performance is no way near the one of the app.
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